Value-Added Service

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Value-Added Service 其他服務

Not only does ShenYuann has tool making and injection molding capabilities, we also offers many value-added secondary operations to maximize mass production efficiency. We offer post-molding cosmetic finishes, such as printing, painting, plating, and has assembly lines to provide a finished product for delivery. ShenYuann has local partners who are reliable and experienced in producing high quality cosmetic finshes for brand name products. We have been working with our local vendors for over 15 years on many projects, we are able to communicate with them to obtain full support very quickly for the best interests for customers. Since our vendors are local, discussions and samples can be arranged on short notice, reducing the time required for customer feedback. ShenYuann quality team inspects our local vendors regularly to make sure the quality standard and production yield not only maintains but for more improvement. Our assembly line resources can accommodate many different types of mechanical component assembly, such as heat staking nut, gluing, parts sub-assembly, online function inspection, online air seal test for waterproof inspection. Based on customer requirements, we assess the most efficient and reliable SOP, and invest in equipment such as automatic gluing machine, automatic heat staking machine, custom fixtures for on site quality checks. ShenYuann quality management has been certified to meet the standard for ISO/TS16949, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004. The more secondary operations we can provide for you as supply chain partner in one-stop production, the larger value proposition we offer while reducing effective lead times.

伸遠工業不僅具備模具製造和注塑能力,還提供許多額外的二次加工,以最大限度地提高量產效率。我們提供成型後的化妝品表面處理,如印刷、噴塗、電鍍,並有裝配線提供成品交付。伸遠工業在當地擁有可靠的合作夥伴,他們在為品牌產品生產高品質的化妝品成品方面經驗豐富。我們與當地的供應商合作超過15年,在許多項目上,我們能夠與他們溝通,以最快的速度獲得全力支援,為客戶爭取最大的利益。由於我們的供應商是本地的,所以可以在短時間內安排討論和樣品,減少客戶回饋的時間。伸遠工業的品質團隊會定期檢查我們的本地供應商,以確保品質標準和產量不僅保持,而且有更多的改進。我們的裝配線資源可以適應多種不同類型的機械零部件裝配,如熱紮螺母、膠合、零部件分裝、線上功能檢測、線上防水檢測氣封試驗等。根據客戶需求,評估最高效可靠的SOP,投入自動塗膠機、自動熱紮機、定制夾具等設備進行現場質檢。伸遠工業品質管制已通過ISO/TS16949、ISO 9001:2008、ISO 14001:2004標準認證。作為供應鏈合作夥伴,我們可以為您提供更多的二次經營,一站式生產,在縮短有效交貨期的同時,提供更大的價值主張。

Assembly 組裝

ShenYuann has dedicated resources to perform simple to complex mechanical parts assembly, and together with our tooling construction and molding production integrated together as a better complete service for our customers. Our assembly lines are often required to conduct 100% on line inspection for product functions, such as ball joint torque force, speaker audio quality, cable conductivity, and waterproof (IPX7 and IPX8). These specialized inspections require custom fixture or equipment, which always must pass customer's validation before implementing into assembly. Our engineering team provides the most efficient and reliable assembly SOP, and invest in equipment such as automatic gluing machine, automatic heat staking machine, custom fixtures. ShenYuann quality management has been certified to meet the standard for ISO/TS16949, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.

  • Automatic Gluing Machine
  • Automatic Heat Staking Nut Machine
  • Date Code Machine
  • IPX7 Air Seal Test Machine
  • IPX8 Air Seal Test Machine


  • 自動點膠機
  • 自動熱熔銅釘機
  • Date Code機
  • IPX7 氣密測試
  • IPX8 氣密測試

Cosmetic Finish 外觀表面處理

ShenYuann has developed strong partnerships over 10 years with local vendors to provide many types of high quality post process for cosmetic finishes.

Depending on product requirement for reliability testing, the cosmetic treatment processes can accomodate various standards of requirements.

  • Hairline
  • Electric plating
  • Back printing
  • 3D printing
  • Logo printing
  • Mask printing
  • Leather painting



  • 髮紋拉絲
  • 電鍍
  • 噴漆
  • 遮噴
  • 背板印刷
  • 3D印刷
  • LOGO印刷
  • 皮革噴漆


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